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My work represents a breadth of skill and nuance for any type of business or communications document, including:

  • Web content: visions statements, about pages, editing and more

  • Business communications

  • Case studies

  • Social media posts/advertising

  • Bio pieces

  • Professional resumes

  • Speech writing/Presentations

    • Note: Some samples presented below were written for WikiHow​

Marketing and Business Samples: Text

Web content - Vision Statement for North River Co.

It’s a common daily product, found in all our homes, but uniquely crafted to make a difference. North River Company soaps will shift your thinking around self-care products. North River Co. crafts soap to nourish your body and to support healthier communities. The vision of North River Co. aims:

  • To handcraft one-of-a-kind soap that nourishes skin while delighting and impressing through artistic design.

  • To create soaps derived from and packaged in sustainable, eco-sensitive materials.

  • To enhance community nourishment by donating 50% proceeds to affiliate food banks and organizations.

  • To offer high-end products for larger-scale events for interested businesses and organizations.

  • To generate partnerships with any organization that wishes to fundraise through product marketing, both locally in Ottawa and throughout Canada.

  • To make a difference. For skin. For people. For communities.

Tips for Effective Talking Points

Have a clear message and be able to articulate it concisely:

  • Example topic: The windows in our apartment building need to be replaced by management.

  • Example topic: I want to propose a dog park be designed and fenced off in Central Park.

Use language that is clear and impactful — appeal to your audience’s emotions and logic:

  • The windows in our apartment are dangerous because they do not always stay in their tracks when slid open and shut. [A comment that the windows are dangerous appeals to emotion and the hope the audience will care that the windows are a hazard]

  • The windows in the building are outdated; they are single-pane, and any new building currently being built has a minimum of double-pane windows, if not triple. Replacing the windows would not only keep the temperature more manageable inside the building, but would also save management heating costs. [Presents evidence and highlights the cost-saving benefits, which appeals to logic]

  • A dog park within Central Park would be safe in 2 ways. First, there would be dramatically less incidents between aggressive dogs and park users; secondly, people would be more likely to only let their dogs off-leash within the dog park, which would keep dogs from becoming lost or stolen. [Appeals in two ways to audience’s emotions, either their love of dogs safety or concern over park users’ safety]

  • Dog behavior impacts the landscaping and grass in the park, either through rough play, or through defecation. Dog owners are much more likely to utilize the dog park for exercise for their dogs, and they will be more attentive to when their dog poops while on leash (whereas now many dogs are off-leash and left to roam). [Appeals to audience’s logic, in that they will care to keep the park orderly and clean for families]

Illustrate talking points with examples or anecdotes:

  • During the hot summer months, I frequently had trouble sliding the windows; they would come ajar and fall inwards, and once a window began to fall outwards. Thankfully I caught it to keep it from smashing on the street below!

  • Though the initial cost to replacing the windows would be upwards of 100,000 dollars, I estimate that it would only take about 5 years until that cost would be recovered through savings in heating and cooling. And most windows have a minimum 25 year warranty.

  • Not long ago my nephew was nipped by a dog in Central Park, whose owner was throwing it a frisbee. Even though signs are posted everywhere that dogs are supposed to be leashed, many people ignore this law and allow their dogs to roam free.

  • The park has signs about picking up after your dog, and even provides poop bags, yet it is still common to see dog poop on the side of the path, or on the grass where kids might want to play. This is a health hazard and is just plain gross. Dog owners would be more aware when their dog poops, and pick up after them, if they were to walk them on-leash on their way to or from the dog park.

Highlight a win-win situation:

  • If windows were to be replaced in the apartment, it would elevate the standard of living and safety of the residents and would prove a long term cost savings solution for the management company. The building would attract and keep quality tenants, while the building owners would eventually be saving money.

  • A dog park would be a benefit to dog owners, create a community feel to those who want a safe space for their dogs to play, while at the same time enhancing the cleanliness and safety of Central Park for other users.

Propose a call to action:

  • If management agrees to replace the windows, I will organize a team to source out quotes from competing window companies; I ask that this action commence within the next 2 months.

  • I am ready with a team of volunteers to fundraise for the dog park if it is not within the city’s current budget. This team is happy to work in conjunction with the City engineers to map out a location and to commence work within 6 months, on a volunteer basis, to create fencing and any other necessaries for the dog park to be up and running this year.

Bio for Sandra Flora Home Design

Sandra Flora — Owner, Designer, Decorator @ Sandra Flora Home Design, Vancouver BC

Another cup of tea?

Like so many people during Covid, I reexamined my career, my aspirations, and what it would take to Dream Big. Fear threatened to extinguish my dreams before I’d started, despite years of encouragement by family and friends that I had a natural aptitude for creating calming and beautiful inner spaces. Coincidentally, in March 2020, the closure of the hair salon I’d worked in became the impetus for me to jump into my theoretical dream future, making it reality. I furtively crafted my new career platform, without even telling my husband, until at a restaurant one day, I casually suggested he google He was an ecstatic supporter! I have since firmly established my home design business, Sandra Flora Home Design, where passion is my guiding principle. Passion, of course, for growing the business, but even more so, I care about how I make people feel through the rooms I design, and the difference I can make in the most sacred spaces of one’s home. 

As a trained cosmetologist, prior to 2020 I spent nearly three decades styling hair. Not unlike home design, I always focused on styling clients’ hair so they felt their best, their inner beauty reflected in their outer self as they walked out the door.  

To ground myself in current design trends I’ve taken several courses in interior decorating, design, and staging. Whether a client wishes to reimagine one room or many, make their home appealing for potential buyers, or unveil an elegant dining table at which friends will enjoy conversation into the evening, my goal is to make people feel good. I allegedly do a great job at this, since I’ve been invited to stay for another cup of tea more than a few times after several rounds of consultation with clients. 

Near the end of July 2020, I was driving away from my fourth client consult since launching Sandra Flora Home Design, at which point I experienced an “a-ha!” moment. I knew that this is where I am meant to be, what I am meant to do. Without reservation I can say I am grateful to have faced my fear and walked through it. My business enables me to bring light into dark spaces and focus where clients felt none. I feel privileged when I’m chosen to offer genuine and honest care in journeying with client’s to realize their own dreams.

Case Study: Privacy Awareness Scenario

Sharon has worked the front counter for almost 2 years for the City, and still feels “new,” a kind of benign presence at the facility. Everyone greets her politely enough, but she has yet to make a real friend or connection. One day a man, around her age, comes in with a friendly smile. He has a quiet manner but actually makes the time to chat with Sharon for a few minutes. His name is Tom, a patron of the City’s services.

Two days later, reflecting on Tom’s willingness to chat, Sharon accesses his file (and personal information) and leaves a message on his phone, the gist of which is to ask to meet for coffee.

The outcome?

Tom is not impressed, and while he vaguely recalls a polite conversation with Sharon, he is justifiably angry that a City staff member has used his personal information to contact him. He feels awkward and uncomfortable, and decides to file a complaint with the City; he also now wants to avoid this facility. Tom alleges that the employee’s— Sharon’s— use of his personal
information was an ethical violation.

The City investigates Tom’s complaint and discovers that, in fact, appropriate safeguards were not in place to block Sharon from inappropriately accessing his information. The investigation
confirms that Sharon misused Tom’s personal records for non-business reasons.

Tom is not satisfied, however, with the City’s mere acknowledgement of the misuse of his personal information — he follows up with the City Manager and Mayor, but remains displeased with the response. He sends an additional complaint to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia, describing his complaint to the City.

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner launches an independent investigation, prompting further interviews with Sharon by the Commissioner and the City’s HR department.

Sharon is informed that if she violates her obligations and duties again — explicitly those that relate to privacy rights and code of conduct — she will lose her position. She acknowledges that
she has read and understands these rules, both verbally and in writing.

Questions to consider before moving on:
1. Was Sharon’s (the employee’s) reputation negatively impacted by this situation?
2. Was the City’s reputation impacted?
3. Could Sharon’s position have been terminated (even though she was given another

Marketing and Business Samples: List


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